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i'm looking for...


mamas interested in birth photography

from the beginning or nearing the end of labor; working through a surge/contraction; a partner helping to soothe and comfort; details around the room; first catch, first hold, first gazes – as much or as little as you & your loved ones would feel comfortable sharing. let's connect



6 months old, unassisted sitter

6+ mo  babies – the unassisted sitter

i love, love, love when newborns come to my studio. it's extra-special seeing them again at their one year session. but, i'm missing the middle; that 6-month age where they're sitting up but not quite moving. my husband lovingly referred to this time as "the baby blob stage" – still makes me giggle.  if you have a baby blob or know someone who does, reach out to me!


dare i even suggest an age?

i have a personal project in the works, swirling around in this brain of mine. looking for either gender; specifics include gray to white hair. length is not an issue for the women but longer locks for the men-folk would be appreciated. i'm thinking this person will be in their 70-80s but i do not want to limit a possibile subject just based on age. please use the connect tab if you know of someone!



discounts on these sessions; please contact for pricing.

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