haven't posted a blog since 2016. at this point, it's really just embarrassing...
where i spent the majority of my babies' nap times and even into the wee hours of sleepless nights, putting thought to keyboard helped process all the mom-guilt from the day prior. i would type until the words jumbled together, eyes blurred from editing & uploading images to share with family and friends. but like all good and great and amazing things, personal blogging came to a halt the moment i opened my business.
i've always loved this art form, but going from hobby to professional, something had to give. when business really picked up, and it was all i could do to deliver a completed gallery, something else had to give.
so, it's not a NYE resolution, but it's never too early (or too late) to start anew. a blog for each session. here we go –
also, another something new. this gorgeous terrarium-style keepsake is 1 of 3 proof boxes offered with collections. please come take a peek, hold, open & close and view all my other tangible goods at my home studio in wasilla.